Saturday, June 03, 2006


Ok, you may be thinking I have lost my mind, but I just had to tell everyone about Joey's newest word. He has been saying, "Poodee" for a few weeks now. A short time ago we finally realized what he was saying. He was saying, "Excuse me". I guess he has heard me tell Audrey and Jordan enough times that we should say excuse me when asking someone to move or when you need to interrupt somene, and now he is doing it. Joey is doing really good on his talking. I know that only parents of other two year olds would be able to understand him, but we are excited. He has learned many words in English and Spanish. I think it is especially cute when he uses "polite words" such as please, thank you, excuse me, ect. Joey also has learned two songs in Spanish. He can sing "He is Able" and "Ti-ti-ta" which is a Sunday school song in Spanish. He only knows the spanish version of "He is Able". It is so cute to hear him singing.
As you can see from the picture he has also developed a strong photographer bug. I found this picture and several more just like it when I was downloading some pictures. If he sees a camera he will immediately pose and say "cheese" until you take his picture. If you are not getting the camera out to take a picture of him he will continue to say, "cheese" louder each time until you either break down and take his picture or end up spanking him for not obeying when you tell him to hush.


  1. How fun. I also have a boy who is almost 2 who is learning to talk. For sooo long he said almost nothing, but now the little words are starting to flood in. Children are such a blessing.

  2. New words are a lot of fun! I miss those times, but soon Titus will be starting. Occasionally, Ethan still has a funny one. For instance, he calls the Arboretum that we walk in near our house the "Arbor-rito".
    I try to write the funny ones down in their baby books, when I remember! :)
