Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What are the odds...

...of in the year that we are home from Honduras, I get jury duty twice. Yes, you read that right. I was called for a session in February and just today I got another summons. I am glad to help, and I wish I could. The only problem is that we are going to be in Arizona and California at that time. When I opened the envelope I was hoping it was my check for the term I just finished, but it wasn't. I am really hoping that they will let me serve in May instead as I really enjoyed it last time and I would have enjoyed it even more if I would have made it on a jury.

On a different note we are so happy to have my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew coming back to Washington to live. Dan came back about a week ago and has been looking for a job and apartment. When he finds those he will be moving out of our trailer and going to pick up Susan and Aaron. Please pray for him to find a job soon as we want to see Aaron before we leave. :-) Dan has a really great prospect so we are praying that God's will would be done.

Joey's third birthday is coming up soon. I can't believe how time has flown. We went shopping for him today. We got him a lot of Thomas the tank engine things as he loves trains. He got a wooden train set for Christmas and so we are adding to that. As we were walking through the store buying his wrapping paper he kept saying, "Happy Birthday to me". Oh, how fast they grow up!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Potty training

We are now in the throes of potty training

Yes, it is true, Joey is finally in that stage of his life. He got a potty chair from his Grandpa Tate in December. He has used it, but it has not made any difference in his staying dry abilities.

He has no problems with using the potty chair and receiving a "special treat" which is a jelly bean. We have even tried to put on training pants as he does not like to be wet. We found out that while he does not like water on him, he doesn't mind wet underware. It just figures doesn't it.

The past two days, however, have been vastly different. While he hasn't yet gone of his own free will, he has been almost dry when it was potty time and finally he seems to be emptying his bladder. Maybe this kid will someday be in the ranks of the non-diapered crew too.

Please pray for us in the next few months as we are praying about where we will be headed ministry wise when we return to Honduras. We have several ministry oportunities, and we are praying that God will clearly show us where He would have us to be when we get back. It seems hard to believe that we will be back in Honduras in around 4 months. I have so much to do before then.