Friday, October 05, 2007

Finally a moment to breathe

My life has slowed down for a few days. This past week I have been unable to post a blog for the sake that I haven't had a moment to spare.

Jason left this week for a meeting in Ocotal. It is three day meeting where he will teach an intensive course from the Bible Institute. As we don't know what most of these pastors have taken we decided to start with the course called Leadership. The only bad thing is that the person who wrote the notes for this class didn't do it in an easy to follow format. The teacher's notes were somewhat outlined, but the student notes were just one big paragraph with very small blanks for writing words in the notes. Last weekend I started to format the notes to make them outlined for easier following. There ended up being 50 pages. After I formatted the students I had to reformat the teacher's notes and correct some grammar problems. I was glad to get them done before Jason left. Normally it would not take more than a day to do this, but I am also teaching school, doing discipleship, and taking care of the family so it took a few more days. I really enjoyed doing these notes even though it was a lot of work. It made me realize how much I miss secretarial work.

Jason wanted to do things right so we bought one of those machines that puts plastic binders to make a book. They looked so great, but I am really tired. It is amazing how much of a difference something like that makes.

Yesterday we stayed in and got caught up on school and house cleaning. Today the kids and I were going crazy. They kept asking if we could get out of the house. I had some things to do so we went out and ran errands. For a treat for both of us I took them to Popeye's to eat. The Popeye's near our house just installed Wireless Internet for free. I can get Internet at home, but sitting here typing my blog while the kids are playing is relaxing. And on top of that I don't have to wash dishes when I get home.

Normally when we come here we are running to church or somewhere else and the kids don't get to play. I told them that today they could play as long as they were good and my battery didn't run dead.

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