Sunday, January 11, 2009


There are so many kids that we love to have in Sunday school. They are excited to come and love to participate in class time and in church. And then there is Abigail. Abigail is a strange case for us. Her cousins (that live with her family) used to be some of our most faithful kids. They loved coming until one of them got saved and wanted to get baptized. Then their maternal grandmother didn't want them to come anymore. Abigail is 13 and never was faithful. Lately though she has become very faithful. Her paternal grandparents come very faithfully and she comes with them. She has a bad attitude when she gets into the truck and acts like she is being forced to come. What is funny is that if she didn't want to come there is no one to make her.
Abby is a big problem in church at this time. I am constantly having to chase her back into church. For the past month she has been complaining about feeling like she is going to throw up right when the sermon is in full swing. It would be nice to sit through a service without having to chase her down. She obviously wants to be there as no one is forcing her. I am praying that God would really get a hold of her heart and that she would change her behaviour. She claims to have accepted Christ as her Saviour when our church was here.
Some day, if we can find the space, we want to start a class for girls of this age. We have four of them at this time, and it would be so good to have a class especially designed for them. First, we have to finish the classroom and then add on the 2nd story for this to happen. I probably won't happen for a while, but please pray with us for this. We are tired of losing girls of this age. Just last week I had a 14 year old, that used to come to Sunday school, come to church and show us her new baby.

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