We had a great day this past Sunday. It was baptism Sunday. On Saturday, Monday, and today it has rained hard, but God allowed the sun to shine on Sunday and we had four people get baptized. Daysi, Mabeliy, Javier, and Marlon all got baptized. We had three men from the states with us and Bro. Gary Greenwood (a missionary kicked out of Venezuela) preached for us. Everyone loved it. We are so thankful for the beautiful day that God gave us. We had a few families missing, but we still had over 30 people at the river for the service.
Our truck brakes had to be replaced. We had noticed that things didn't sound right, but the brakes never squeaked or anything so we forgot about them. Yesterday, Jason took the guys to Orika, a town about 3 hours from Tegucigalpa to survey the area. When he got back he called the mechanic. The brakes are so bad that extensive work is required. We had to cancel the Ladies Meeting that was set for tonight, but Praise the Lord, the truck should be fixed in time for the La Espada Conference on Wednesday night.